Michael J Hatchell

"To the best big brother I could have ever asked for, I love you, I miss you, & your legacy will live on to change lives! My forever angel."

Michael Hatchell

I am my Brother's Keeper.

My family experienced the loss of my brother to gun violence when I was 15 years old. My parents, my siblings & I coped as best we could but we adapted without truly healing from the tragedy. We also had an added complexity because my brother's son was born 4 months after he was murdered. Now he would become a child growing up without his father. My parents and I were left to raise him without the proper resources like therapy & community support. My nephew became the most significant impact as to why our organization exist!

A support network would have made a world of difference.

You need a circle of resources. Leaning on your church and family is great but it honestly is not enough to peel back the deep trauma children experience after losing someone so close to gun violence. Even if the child is unborn or young it has impact when that void shows up later on in their life. My nephew wouldn't have had to face the many challenges he did as a teen & young adult if he had a resource like Make Justice Healing. In fact my entire family could have benefited from it!

Michael and Tanya as kids

Making Impact

We have to be the change we wish to see in the world. My brother's case was never solved, so making justice by healing became my mission! With God, counseling & community I received the peace and healing needed for me to create a space to help others heal as well.

Visual of Mentoring Session where at risk kids can receive guidance and advice

Mental Health Wellness

Image of 4 teens holding one another in a supportive manner

Weekly Support Groups



And more offered through Make Justice Healing

Engage with the community online

We want to hear your stories. Use the hashtag #makejusticestories on social media to share how gun violence has impacted your life. Being heard is an integral part of the healing process and we will read every post with #makejusticestories and share in your experiences. Visit the links below to see community posts with #makejusticestories on.